Membership Information

Thank you for showing an interest in Joining our Society - We hope you decide to join us!

Membership of the HSME is £48 Per Annum 


The £48 annual Subscription reduces Pro-Rata resulting in only paying for the months remaining in your joining year. All  NEW Adult memberships have an additional £5 Joining fee.


As an adult joining this month May 2024 the fee payable will be £37  (Includes Joining fee)


An Adult member may take out a Junior Membership for anyone under the age of 17 provided they accept to Supervise Juniors at all times whilst undertaking Society activities.


As a Junior joining this month May 2024 the fee payable wil be Just £4           (Junior membership Pro-Rata at 50p per Month - No Joining Fee)


Renewal of Memberships are due in January of each year.


An adult renewing in  March 2024 the fee payable will be £53 (Includes Joining fee payable again due to payment after AGM held in March)


As a Junior renewing in  March 2024 the fee payable will be £6


Please download and complete the applicable form and either return to the Highfields Clubhouse in Person or to the Society President.



2024 Adult Membership Application Form - Microsoft Word Version
2024 Adult.docx
Microsoft Word document [45.0 KB]
2024 Adult Membership Renewal Application Form - Microsoft Word Version
2024 Adult Renewal.docx
Microsoft Word document [22.9 KB]
2024 Junior Membership Application Form - Microsoft Word Version
2024 Junior.docx
Microsoft Word document [44.2 KB]
2024 Junior Membership Renewal Application Form - Microsoft Word Version
2024 Junior Renewal.docx
Microsoft Word document [22.6 KB]
Key Request/Return Form - Microsoft Word Version
2024 Keys.docx
Microsoft Word document [22.6 KB]
2024 Adult Membership Application Form - Adobe PDF Version
2024 Adult.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [450.7 KB]
2024 Adult Membership Renewal Application Form - Adobe PDF Version
2024 Adult Renewal.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [431.3 KB]
2024 Junior Membership Renewal Application form Adobe PDF Version
2024 Junior Renewal.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [426.9 KB]
2024 Junior Membership Application form Adobe PDF Version
2024 Junior.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [449.6 KB]
Key Request/Return Form - Adobe PDF Version
2024 Keys.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [420.2 KB]

Railway Members needed 


Greenhead Park Railway now Open Saturdays 1 - 5 pm Subject to Weather and Staffing



Visitor Number 

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© HSME 2024