Greenhead Park Miniature Railway (GPMR)                    

Why not come and Join us and help to run the Society Railway 

Greenhead Park Railway History

1942 Mr Crowther of Crowthers Mills Longwood with members of the Society built a 120ft track in Greenhead Park refered to as "the up and down track".


In 1964 Miss J Dean of Marsh became the 250,000th Passenger on 18th July which was infact her 9th Birthday.  She was presented with an inscribed trophy by the Mayor and a box of chocolates almost too large for her to carry.  She said that "nothing like this has ever happened on my birthday before"


In 2000 Greenhead Park Miniture Raiiway project was started which resulted in a new railway track 540 Metres long being created in the park and a smart new tunnel was built to house the societies locomotives.  Holset Engineering now Cummins Turbo Technologies supplied our Steam Locomotive "Golden Jubilee" following a project for the Apprentice Engineers at Holsets being tasked with building a Steam Locomotive.


The New Railway Line cost £112,000 was opened in June 2002 by Fred Dibnah.    


Our Railway is operated by the HSME Membership and runs on Saturdays from March to December each year - weather permitting!






Happy New Year 2025 !!

Greenhead Park Railway Members needed 


Greenhead Park Railway now Open Saturdays 12 - 4 pm Subject to Weather and Staffing



Visitor Number 

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